Our Financial Policy

A Letter from Pastor Finney​

We thank God for the desire God has put in your heart to send your financial gift for the ministry. But we want you to go through the financial principle that we have been following at our Ministry.

It is true that in the Lord’s work there are lots of needs and it is taken care through the money that the saints provide. But we need to understand that the Lord’s work is never dependent on money, but fully dependent on the power of the Holy Spirit, who is the builder of the Church. We see the example the Apostles set before the Church. “Neither did we eat any man’s bread for nought; but wrought with labour and travail night and day, that we might not be chargeable to any of you…” (2 Thess. 3:8)

The Church is there to make sure that each person grows to the perfection of Christ, therefore we never share our needs before the saints, because we are sure that the Lord has called us and the Church is His own body and it is His responsibility to take care of the needs. 


Keeping these principles in mind, we never ask people for tithes or offerings in our Churches, nor is there any salary for the Pastors. Everyone is doing his/her part as a voluntary service for the Lord expecting no salary. But in our worship centers, ‘free-will offering’ boxes are placed so that anyone who feels who feels led by the Lord can freely give. We make sure that 2 Cor. 9:7 is put in practice. “Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.”

Here at Maranatha Ministries International, we properly maintain our financial records, since all the money is coming in the name of Mathew Samuel, we pay our taxes every year to the Government.

People have been asking us how they could support us in the ministry. We just want you to uphold us in your prayers, so that we may be faithful where He has placed us, but if you are led by the Holy Spirit to send your financial gifts then we would request you to go through the following check list and then do as the Lord leads. We all are chosen to be faithful stewards. God has blessed His people with different gifts and we need to make sure that everything is done for His glory.


  1. Are you a child of God who has accepted Christ as your personal Savior and is Christ the Lord of your life?
  2. Are you setting an example before others in your Spiritual walk? (Matthew 5:16)
  3. Do you have financial discipline in your house? Are you responsible in your financial matters?
  4. Do you pay your taxes? We are supposed to give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar. (Matthew 22:21)
  5. Are you in debt? As children of God we are not supposed to live in Debt. If you have taken house or vehicle loans, are you paying off your loan regularly?
  6. According to 2 Cor. 9:7, are you giving freely and cheerfully – and not with a desire to be blessed or for healing or any other material desires?
  7. Are you sure that it is The Lord who is leading you to send your gift for the Lord’s work?


After going through the check list if you are convinced that the Lord wants you to contribute for the ministry, you can contact us at pastor@finneysamuel.com and we will guide you on how you can be partaker in the Lord’s work.

May the Lord help us to be faithful stewards and may His name be glorified.